
Extiquick™ FFPE DNA Kit

Formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue samples are routinely prepared from human surgical tissue samples allowing to store them in archives for years. The Extiquick™ FFPE DNA Kit is designed for fast and convenient purification of DNA from various amounts of archived FFPE tissue. Up to 8 sections (10 μm thickness) of FFPE sample from various tissues can be used for genomic DNA extraction without overnight incubation. Elimination of toxic reagents commonly used for deparaffinization (i.e., xylene) allows a safe DNA purification procedure with high DNA yields and excellent quality. Each preparation recovers up to 8 μg of genomic DNA that can be eluted in volumes from 20 μL allowing for concentrated samples. Due to high decrosslinking efficiency high quality purified DNA shows reliable performance in sensitive downstream applications such as qPCR, PCR (amplicons up to 1 kb) or NGS library preparation.

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Product Catalog Specification Product type Lead time

Extiquick™ FFPE DNA Kit

EX003-100 100 preps product 3-10 days
250 preps
3-10 days
Extiquick™ FFPE DNA Kit
Extiquick™ FFPE DNA Kit Flyer