
YWG™ Stubby Adapter & UDI Index Primer Set for illumina

YWG Stubby Adapter&UDI Primer Set for illumina is a DNA library construction adaptor kit for illumina high-throughput sequencing platform.The YWG Stubby Adapter for Illumina is an incomplete double-ended Y type adaptor that is compatible with a variety of T-A ligated library construction kits.In addition, the YWG UDI Index Primer Set in the kit contains the Unique Dual Index(UDI), which can be used to double-check two completely independent Index after library amplification, minimizing index hopping&index misassignment.This ensures that the final reads entering the analysis process are the closest to the real situation of the samples.The kit contains 96 different Truseq UDI Primers,and all the adapter provided in the kit have undergone strict quality control and functional validation to ensure the stability and reproducibility of the library construction to the maximum extent.

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Product Catalog Specification Product type Lead time

YWG™ Stubby Adapter & 
UDI Index Primer Set for illumina

YG001-024 24 rxns product 3-7 days
96 rxns
3-7 days
YWG™ Stubby Adapter & UDI Index Primer Set for illumina